Important Notes on playoff status (10/25/2001, *updated 10/15/2021*)

The playoff status, and max/min averages, like everything else at, is unofficial.

A. Despite being unofficial, the playoff status and max/min should remain accurate if:
1) All scheduled games are played, with no cancellations, 
2) No additional games are added to the schedule, 
3) All games have the correct winner listed,
4) No games have had the result reversed (incorrect winner recorded, or game forfeited from original winner to original loser),
5) All teams are listed under the correct divisional classification for points calculating purposes,
6) All scheduled games that are (or are not) marked as "not counting in OHSAA rankings", are marked correctly on the site. (This normally pertains to "club" teams such as the Columbus Crusaders, Landmark Eagles, Monclova Lightning, etc).

If any of the above conditions fail, the playoff statuses for any affected region can not be safely considered accurate until the proper corrections have been made.

B. What the MAX/MIN averages mean
1) max Avg (win out) - The best case scenario. This is the maximum average a team will be able to obtain if they win their remaining games. This also assumes all unaccounted for games between an opponent you have defeated (or will defeat) and a team you did not defeat will be won by the opponent you defeated. In the case you defeated (or will defeat) both teams involved in such a game, the maximum points are obtained by the smaller school defeating the larger school. Subject to the conditions of part A above.
2) min Avg (win out) - This is the minimum average a team will be able to obtain if they win their remaining games. This also assumes all unaccounted for games between an opponent you have defeated (or will defeat) and a team you did not defeat will be won by the team you did not defeat. In the case you defeated (or will defeat) both teams involved in such a game, the minimum points are obtained by the larger school defeating the smaller school. Subject to the conditions of part A above.
3) max Avg (lose out) - This is the maximum average a team will be able to obtain if they lose their remaining games. This also assumes all unaccounted for games between an opponent you have defeated and a team you did not (or will not) defeat will be won by the team you defeated. In the case you defeated both teams involved in such a game, the maximum points are obtained by the smaller school defeating the larger school. Subject to the conditions of part A above.
4) min Avg (lose out) - The worst case scenario. This is the minimum average a team will be able to obtain if they lose their remaining games. This also assumes all unaccounted for games between an opponent you defeated and a team you did not (or will not) defeat will be won by the team you did not defeat. In the case you defeated both teams involved in such a game, the minimum points are obtained by the larger school defeating the smaller school.  Subject to the conditions of part A above.

C-1. A description of the playoff status possibilities
1) 'clinched #1 seed' - The team has unofficially guaranteed itself the top seed in the region. Subject to the conditions of part A above.
2a) 'clinched top 4 (home)' - The team has unofficially guaranteed itself a top 4 finish in the region.  Subject to the conditions of part A above.
2b) 'clinched top 8 (home)' - The team has unofficially guaranteed itself a top 8 finish in the region. Subject to the conditions of part A above.
3) 'clinced playoff spot' - The team has unofficially guaranteed itself top 16 finish in the region. Subject to the conditions of part A above.
4) 'control own destiny' - The team will unofficially guarantee itself a top 16 finish in the region if it wins all remaining games on its schedule. If it loses even one game, this condition may or may not still apply. Subject to the conditions of part A above.
5) 'mathematically eliminated' - The team does not have a chance of breaking into the top 16 of the region, even if it wins all remaining games on its schedule.  Subject to the conditions of part A above.
6) empty space (no listed status) - A team with no listed status is considered to have no status at all. They may have already clinched, they may control their own destiny, or they may even be mathematically eliminated. It is best treated as an 'on the bubble' type status.  This empty status means that analysis of the min and max numbers alone is insufficient to determine the status of the team, and another analytical approach should be used to determine the status of the team.

C-2. Additional statuses added for 2021 due to covid uncertainties (added 10/15/2021)
1) 'likely #1 seed (home)' - same as 'clinched #1 seed' with different language to re-emphasize the uncertainties in the given environment
2a) 'likely top 4 seed (home)' - same as 'clinched home game' with different language to re-emphasize the uncertainties in the given environment.
2b) 'likely top 8 seed (home)' - same as 'clinched home game' with different language to re-emphasize the uncertainties in the given environment.
3a) 'likely top 12 seed' - same as 'clinched playoff spot' with different language to re-emphasize the uncertainties in the current evnironment. Also indicates likelihood the team will finish no worse than 12th.
3b) 'likely top 16 seed' - same as 'clinched playoff spot' with different language to re-emphasize the uncertainties in the given environment.
4) 'likely control own destiny' - same as 'control own destiny' with different language to re-emphasize the uncertainties in the given environment.
5) 'likely eliminated' - same as 'mathematically eliminated' with different language to re-emphasize the uncertainties in the given environment.

It is important to reiterate that this algorithm is a simple one that only compares the minimum and 
maximum possible averages with other teams in the region.  It assumes that it is possible for all teams
in a region to win their remaining games, or for all teams in a region to lose their remaining games.
It does not take into consideration a case where 2 teams in a region will play each other, in which case 
only 1 will win, and 1 will lose.

Why does that matter?  Suppose that team "A" is not listed as being mathematically eliminated.  Doing some research, 
it is found that team "A" needs team "B" and team "C" in the same region to lose their final game, so that
team "A" can make the playoffs.  But if team "B" plays team "C" in the final game, one of the 2 teams will win, and then
team "A" will be eliminated.  Because the playoff status on this site is designed only to look at minimum and maximum numbers,
independent of specific scheduling intricacies, it  will not be able to represent such a fact until after the
game between team "B" and team "C" takes place.  Please don't send an email asking me to update this status - it is
all automated and I will be unable to accommodate such a request.
