G | Games Played |
AVG | Batting Average (H/AB) |
AB | At Bats |
R | Runs scored - batter; Runs allowed - pitcher |
H | Hits |
2B | Doubles |
3B | Triples |
HR | Homeruns |
RBI | Runs Batted In |
BB | Bases on Balls |
SO | Times struck out - batter |
OBP | On Base Percentage ((H+BB+HBP)/(AB+BB+HBP+SF)) |
SLG | Slugging Percentage ((H+2B+(2*3B)+(3*HR))/AB) |
SB | Stolen Bases |
CS | Caught Stealing |
SB% | Stolen Base Percentage (sb/(sb+cs)) |
SBR | Stolen Base Runs (0.3*SB - 0.6*CS) |
HBP | Hit By Pitch |
IBB | Intentional Bases on Balls |
SH | Sacrifice Hits |
SF | Sacrifice Flies |
GDP | Grounded Into Double Play |
K/BB | Strikeout-to-Walk ratio (SO/BB) |
AB/K | Number of At Bats per each time struck out (AB/SO) |
OPS | On Base Plus Slugging (OBP+SLG) |
TA | Total Average (AVG+OBP+SLG) |
GPOS | Games fielded at primary postion |
Innings | Innings fielded at primary position |
PO | Putouts (primary position) |
Assists | Assists (primary position) |
Errors | Errors (primary position) |
TC | Total defensive Chances (primary position) (PO+Assists+Errors) |
Fielding | Fielding Average (primary position) ((PO+Assists)/TC) |
PB | Passed Balls |
DP | Double Plays player was a part of (primary position) |
Range | Range Factor ((PO+Assists)/Innings) |
GS | Games Started |
W-L | Win-Loss Record |
Pct | Winning percentage (W/(W+L)) |
ERA | Earned Run Average ((ER*9)/IP) |
IP | Innings Pitched |
ER | Earned Runs |
K | Strikeouts by pitcher |
SV | Saves |
BS | Blown Saves |
SV% | Save percentage (SV/(SV+BS)) |
HLD | Holds |
QS | Quality Starts |
CG | Complete Games |
ShO | Shutouts |
GF | Games Finished (as reliever) |
WHIP | Walks + Hits Per Inning Pitched ((BB+H)/IP) |
K/9 | Strikeouts per 9 Innings Pitched ((K*9)/IP) |
BB/9 | Bases on Balls per 9 Innings Pitched ((BB*9)/IP) |
BFP | Batters Facing Pitcher |
HB | Hit Batters |
WP | Wild Pitches |
IR | Inherited runners |
IRS | Inherited runners that scored |