
Projecting 2013 football divisions

Saturday, April 27, 2013 11:00am
By: Joe Eitel

Yesterday, the OHSAA published the initial enrollment figures that will be used to determine classifications for all sports for the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 school years. You can view this data on the OHSAA website here: Link to OHSAA enrollment figures.

(Edit: 4/28/2013 - There appear to be a large number of schools whose enrollment figures are drastically inflated in the initial enrollment data that is posted on the OHSAA website. In many cases, this appears to be due to having 4 grade levels included in the count instead of only 9, 10, and 11. Normally, one would be able to add the 9, 10, and 11 enrollment numbers from the October building enrollment report available on ODE's website, and get a number which is comparable (though not exact) to the combined total of boys and girls listed on the OHSAA site. However, that comparison is far off for many schools I checked at this point, which further indicates a problem with the data set.

As a result, I have removed the projected 2013 football divisions that appeared here previously, since in my opinion the data which was used to project it is inaccurate. I will leave the list of teams below with links to their 2013 schedules as I currently have them.

2013 Team Schedule Links

 OHSAA ID# | mailing city           | school                                      
       100 | Ada                    | Ada
       102 | Frankfort              | Adena
       105 | Columbus               | Africentric
       106 | Cincinnati             | Aiken
       108 | Albany                 | Alexander
       110 | Harrod                 | Allen East
       112 | Alliance               | Alliance
       114 | Amanda                 | Amanda-Clearcreek
       116 | Batavia                | Amelia
       118 | Cincinnati             | Anderson
       120 | Anna                   | Anna
       122 | Ansonia                | Ansonia
       124 | Whitehouse             | Anthony Wayne
       126 | Antwerp                | Antwerp
       128 | Arcadia                | Arcadia
       130 | Arcanum                | Arcanum
       132 | Kettering              | Archbishop Alter
       134 | Archbold               | Archbold
       136 | Arlington              | Arlington
       138 | Ashland                | Ashland
       140 | Ashtabula              | Lakeside
       144 | The Plains             | Athens
       146 | Aurora                 | Aurora
       148 | Austintown             | Austintown-Fitch
       150 | Avon                   | Avon
       152 | Avon Lake              | Avon Lake
       154 | Defiance               | Ayersville
       158 | Hamilton               | Badin
       160 | Barberton              | Barberton
       162 | Barnesville            | Barnesville
       164 | Batavia                | Batavia
       166 | Lima                   | Bath
       168 | Bay Village            | Bay
       170 | Beachwood              | Beachwood
       172 | Beallsville            | Beallsville
       176 | Lisbon                 | Beaver
       178 | Beavercreek            | Beavercreek
       180 | Bedford                | Bedford
       182 | Bellaire               | Bellaire
       184 | Bellbrook              | Bellbrook
       186 | Columbus               | Beechcroft
       188 | Bellefontaine          | Bellefontaine
       190 | Bellevue               | Bellevue
       192 | Dayton                 | Belmont
       194 | Belpre                 | Belpre
       196 | Cleveland              | Benedictine
       198 | Bellefontaine          | Benjamin Logan
       200 | Berea                  | Berea-Midpark
       202 | Burton                 | Berkshire
       204 | Sugar Grove            | Berne Union
       206 | Tipp City              | Bethel
       208 | Bethel                 | Bethel-Tate
       212 | Columbus               | Bexley
       214 | Sunbury                | Big Walnut
       218 | Columbus               | Bishop Hartley
       220 | Columbus               | Bishop Ready
       222 | Zanesville             | Bishop Rosecrans
       224 | Columbus               | Bishop Watterson
       226 | Sullivan               | Black River
       228 | Blanchester            | Blanchester
       232 | Carroll                | Bloom-Carroll
       236 | Bluffton               | Bluffton
       238 | Youngstown             | Boardman
       242 | Bowling Green          | Bowling Green
       244 | Toledo                 | Bowsher
       246 | Bradford               | Bradford
       248 | Broadview Heights      | Brecksville-Broadview Heights
       250 | Bridgeport             | Bridgeport
       252 | Columbus               | Briggs
       256 | Brookfield             | Brookfield
       258 | Columbus               | Brookhaven
       260 | Brooklyn               | Brooklyn
       262 | Sheffield              | Brookside
       264 | Brookville             | Brookville
       268 | Brunswick              | Brunswick
       270 | Lyndhurst              | Brush
       272 | Bryan                  | Bryan
       274 | Akron                  | Buchtel
       276 | Medina                 | Buckeye
       278 | New Washington         | Buckeye Central
       282 | Rayland                | Buckeye Local
       284 | Lore City              | Buckeye Trail
       286 | Delaware               | Buckeye Valley
       290 | Bucyrus                | Bucyrus
       292 | Vandalia               | Butler
       294 | Cadiz                  | Harrison Central
       296 | Caldwell               | Caldwell
       298 | Tiffin                 | Calvert
       300 | Cambridge              | Cambridge
       302 | Canal Winchester       | Canal Winchester
       304 | Canfield               | Canfield
       306 | Canton                 | Canton McKinley
       308 | Middlefield            | Cardinal
       310 | Youngstown             | Cardinal Mooney
       312 | Oregon                 | Cardinal Stritch
       314 | Cardington             | Cardington-Lincoln
       316 | Carey                  | Carey
       318 | Carlisle               | Carlisle
       320 | Dayton                 | Carroll
       322 | Carrollton             | Carrollton
       324 | Springfield            | Catholic Central
       326 | Steubenville           | Catholic Central
       328 | Cedarville             | Cedarville
       330 | Celina                 | Celina
       332 | Columbus               | Centennial
       334 | Centerburg             | Centerburg
       336 | Centerville            | Centerville
       340 | Canton                 | Canton Central Catholic
       342 | Toledo                 | Central Catholic
       343 | Toledo                 | Toledo Christian
       345 | Grove City             | Central Crossing
       346 | Chagrin Falls          | Chagrin Falls
       348 | Southington            | Chalker
       350 | Twinsburg              | Twinsburg
       352 | Dayton                 | Chaminade-Julienne
       354 | Warren                 | Champion
       360 | Chardon                | Chardon
       362 | Chesapeake             | Chesapeake
       364 | Chillicothe            | Chillicothe
       366 | Doylestown             | Chippewa
       368 | Cincinnati             | Cincinnati Country Day
       369 | Cincinnati             | Cincinnati Hills Christian Academy
       370 | Circleville            | Circleville
       372 | Oregon                 | Clay
       376 | Uhrichsville           | Claymont
       378 | Bellville              | Clear Fork
       380 | Lorain                 | Clearview
       382 | Batavia                | Clermont Northeastern
       384 | Cleveland              | Cleveland Central Catholic
       385 | Cleveland Heights      | Cleveland Heights
       388 | Clarksville            | Clinton-Massie
       390 | Lodi                   | Cloverleaf
       392 | Clyde                  | Clyde
       394 | Coldwater              | Coldwater
       396 | Cincinnati             | Colerain
       398 | Cleveland              | Collinwood
       400 | North Robinson         | Colonel Crawford
       402 | Dayton                 | Thurgood Marshall
       404 | Columbia Station       | Columbia
       406 | Tiffin                 | Columbian
       408 | Columbiana             | Columbiana
       410 | Gahanna                | Columbus Academy
       412 | Columbus Grove         | Columbus Grove
       416 | Conneaut               | Conneaut
       418 | Bowerston              | Conotton Valley
       422 | Copley                 | Copley
       424 | Rawson                 | Cory-Rawson
       426 | Coshocton              | Coshocton
       428 | Akron                  | Coventry
       430 | Covington              | Covington
       432 | Crestline              | Crestline
       434 | Ashland                | Crestview
       436 | Columbiana             | Crestview
       438 | Convoy                 | Crestview
       440 | Mantua                 | Crestwood
       442 | Crooksville            | Crooksville
       444 | Cuyahoga Falls         | Cuyahoga Falls
       446 | Cuyahoga Heights       | Cuyahoga Heights
       448 | Cuyahoga Falls         | Cuyahoga Valley Christian Academy
       450 | Dalton                 | Dalton
       452 | Lakeside               | Danbury
       454 | Danville               | Danville
       456 | Lisbon                 | David Anderson
       458 | Coal Grove             | Dawson-Bryant
       460 | Miamisburg             | Dayton Christian
       462 | Cincinnati             | Deer Park
       464 | Defiance               | Defiance
       466 | Delta                  | Delta
       470 | New Lebanon            | Dixie
       472 | Dover                  | Dover
       474 | Dublin                 | Dublin Coffman
       475 | Dublin                 | Dublin Scioto
       476 | Dayton                 | Dunbar
       478 | Akron                  | East
       482 | Columbus               | East
       483 | Youngstown             | Youngstown East
       484 | Portsmouth             | Sciotoville Community
       486 | Dublin                 | Dublin Jerome
       488 | East Canton            | East Canton
       490 | Lees Creek             | East Clinton
       494 | Reedsville             | Eastern
       498 | Howard                 | East Knox
       500 | East Liverpool         | East Liverpool
       502 | Columbus               | Eastmoor Academy
       504 | East Palestine         | East Palestine
       506 | Cleveland              | East Technical
       508 | Pemberville            | Eastwood
       510 | Eaton                  | Eaton
       512 | Edgerton               | Edgerton
       514 | Ashtabula              | Edgewood
       516 | Trenton                | Edgewood
       518 | Milan                  | Edison
       519 | Richmond               | Edison
       520 | Edon                   | Edon
       522 | Cincinnati             | Elder
       524 | Marion                 | Elgin
       526 | Elida                  | Elida
       528 | Akron                  | Ellet
       530 | Bloomdale              | Elmwood
       532 | Elyria                 | Elyria
       534 | Elyria                 | Elyria Catholic
       540 | Euclid                 | Euclid
       542 | Metamora               | Evergreen
       544 | Milford Center         | Fairbanks
       548 | Fairborn               | Fairborn
       550 | Fairfield              | Fairfield
       553 | Lancaster              | Fairfield Christian Academy
       554 | Lancaster              | Fairfield Union
       556 | Proctorville           | Fairland
       560 | Navarre                | Fairless
       566 | Fairport Harbor        | Fairport Harding
       570 | Fairview Park          | Fairview
       572 | Sherwood               | Fairview
       576 | Fayetteville           | Fayetteville
       578 | Stewart                | Federal Hocking
       582 | Franklin               | Bishop Fenwick
       584 | Mogadore               | Field
       586 | Findlay                | Findlay
       588 | Cincinnati             | Finneytown
       590 | Oberlin                | Firelands
       592 | Akron                  | Firestone
       594 | Lancaster              | Fisher Catholic
       598 | Beverly                | Fort Frye
       602 | Fort Loramie           | Fort Loramie
       604 | Fort Recovery          | Fort Recovery
       606 | Fostoria               | Fostoria
       608 | Franklin               | Franklin
       610 | Columbus               | Franklin Heights
       614 | Fredericktown          | Fredericktown
       616 | Fremont                | Fremont Ross
       618 | New Matamoras          | Frontier
       620 | Galion                 | Galion
       622 | Gallipolis             | Gallia Academy
       624 | Sugarcreek             | Garaway
       626 | Akron                  | Garfield
       630 | Garrettsville          | Garfield
       632 | Garfield Heights       | Garfield Heights
       634 | Geneva                 | Geneva
       636 | Genoa                  | Genoa Area
       640 | Gibsonburg             | Gibsonburg
       642 | Gates Mills            | Gilmour Academy
       644 | Girard                 | Girard
       646 | Cincinnati             | Glen Este
       650 | Canton                 | GlenOak
       652 | Cleveland              | Glenville
       658 | Goshen                 | Goshen
       660 | St Paris               | Graham Local
       662 | Orwell                 | Grand Valley
       664 | Columbus               | Grandview Heights
       666 | Granville              | Granville
       667 | Fairfield              | Cincinnati Christian
       668 | Franklin Furnace       | Green
       670 | Green                  | Green
       672 | Jamestown              | Greeneview
       676 | Springfield            | Greenon
       678 | Greenville             | Greenville
       680 | Grove City             | Grove City
       681 | Grove City             | Grove City Christian
       682 | Groveport              | Groveport-Madison
       685 | Hamilton               | Hamilton
       686 | Columbus               | Hamilton Township
       690 | Marion                 | Marion Harding
       692 | Warren                 | Warren G Harding
       694 | Dola                   | Hardin Northern
       696 | Harrison               | Harrison
       698 | Painesville            | Harvey
       702 | Gates Mills            | Hawken
       704 | Delaware               | Delaware Hayes
       706 | Heath                  | Heath
       708 | Hicksville             | Hicksville
       710 | Medina                 | Highland
       712 | Sparta                 | Highland
       713 | Hilliard               | Hilliard Bradley
       715 | Cincinnati             | Hillcrest
       716 | Hilliard               | Hilliard Davidson
       717 | Hilliard               | Hilliard Darby
       718 | Hillsboro              | Hillsboro
       720 | Jeromesville           | Hillsdale
       722 | West Unity             | Hilltop
       724 | Akron                  | Archbishop Hoban
       726 | Holgate                | Holgate
       728 | Parma Heights          | Holy Name
       730 | North Canton           | Hoover
       732 | Bascom                 | Hopewell-Loudon
       736 | Warren                 | Howland
       738 | Hubbard                | Hubbard
       740 | Hudson                 | Hudson
       742 | Cincinnati             | Hughes
       744 | Chillicothe            | Huntington
       746 | Huron                  | Huron
       748 | Columbus               | Independence
       750 | Independence           | Independence
       751 | Wintersville           | Indian Creek
       752 | Cincinnati             | Indian Hill
       754 | Lewistown              | Indian Lake
       758 | Gnadenhutten           | Indian Valley
       760 | Ironton                | Ironton
       762 | Jackson                | Jackson
       764 | Massillon              | Jackson
       768 | North Jackson          | Jackson-Milton
       772 | Delphos                | Jefferson
       774 | Jefferson              | Jefferson Area
       776 | Dayton                 | Jefferson Township
       782 | Cleveland              | John Adams
       784 | Cleveland              | John F Kennedy
       786 | Warren                 | John F Kennedy
       788 | New Concord            | John Glenn
       790 | Cleveland              | John Hay
       792 | Cleveland              | John Marshall
       794 | Johnstown              | Johnstown-Monroe
       796 | Plain City             | Jonathan Alder
       800 | Akron                  | Kenmore
       802 | Chagrin Falls          | Kenston
       804 | Kenton                 | Kenton
       806 | Springfield            | Kenton Ridge
       807 | Kettering              | Kettering Fairmont
       808 | La Grange              | Keystone
       810 | Kings Mills            | Kings
       812 | Kirtland               | Kirtland
       816 | Bidwell                | River Valley
       818 | Leavittsburg           | LaBrae
       820 | Millbury               | Lake
       822 | Uniontown              | Lake
       824 | Mentor                 | Lake Catholic
       828 | Cortland               | Lakeview
       830 | Hebron                 | Lakewood
       832 | Lakewood               | Lakewood
       834 | Kansas                 | Lakota
       836 | Liberty Township       | Lakota East
       837 | West Chester           | Lakota West
       838 | Lancaster              | Lancaster
       842 | Cincinnati             | La Salle
       846 | Lebanon                | Lebanon
       848 | Thompson               | Ledgemont
       850 | Leetonia               | Leetonia
       852 | Sidney                 | Lehman Catholic
       854 | Leipsic                | Leipsic
       856 | Lexington              | Lexington
       860 | Youngstown             | Liberty
       862 | Findlay                | Liberty-Benton
       864 | Liberty Center         | Liberty Center
       866 | Baltimore              | Liberty Union
       868 | Pataskala              | Licking Heights
       870 | Newark                 | Licking Valley
       872 | Lima                   | Lima Senior
       874 | Lima                   | Lima Central Catholic
       876 | Gahanna                | Gahanna-Lincoln
       880 | Cleveland              | Lincoln West
       882 | Columbus               | Linden McKinley
       884 | Morrow                 | Little Miami
       886 | Lockland               | Lockland
       888 | Logan                  | Logan
       890 | Circleville            | Logan Elm
       892 | London                 | London
       894 | Lorain                 | Lorain
       900 | Loudonville            | Loudonville
       902 | Louisville             | Louisville
       904 | Loveland               | Loveland
       906 | Lowellville            | Lowellville
       908 | Lucas                  | Lucas
       912 | Cleveland Heights      | Lutheran East
       914 | Rocky River            | Lutheran West
       920 | Cincinnati             | Madeira
       922 | Madison                | Madison
       924 | Middletown             | Madison
       926 | Mansfield              | Madison Comprehensive
       928 | London                 | Madison Plains
       934 | Malvern                | Malvern
       936 | Akron                  | Manchester
       938 | Manchester             | Manchester
       940 | Mansfield              | Mansfield
       944 | Maple Heights          | Maple Heights
       946 | Ashland                | Mapleton
       950 | Castalia               | Margaretta
       954 | Cincinnati             | Mariemont
       956 | Marietta               | Marietta
       958 | Maria Stein            | Marion Local
       962 | Columbus               | Marion-Franklin
       964 | Alliance               | Marlington
       968 | Martins Ferry          | Martins Ferry
       970 | Marysville             | Marysville
       972 | Mason                  | Mason
       974 | Vienna                 | Mathews
       976 | Maumee                 | Maumee
       980 | Mayfield               | Mayfield
       982 | Zanesville             | Maysville
       988 | Greenfield             | McClain
       990 | McComb                 | McComb
       992 | McDonald               | McDonald
       994 | Niles                  | Niles McKinley
       996 | Sebring                | McKinley
       998 | Cincinnati             | Archbishop McNicholas
      1000 | Byesville              | Meadowbrook
      1002 | Dayton                 | Meadowdale
      1004 | Mechanicsburg          | Mechanicsburg
      1006 | Medina                 | Medina
      1008 | Pomeroy                | Meigs
      1010 | Campbell               | Memorial
      1012 | St Marys               | St Marys Memorial
      1016 | Mentor                 | Mentor
      1018 | Casstown               | Miami East
      1020 | Miamisburg             | Miamisburg
      1022 | Washington Court House | Miami Trace
      1026 | Middletown             | Middletown
      1030 | Grafton                | Midview
      1032 | Columbus               | Mifflin
      1034 | Milford                | Milford
      1036 | Corning                | Miller
      1040 | Millersport            | Millersport
      1042 | West Milton            | Milton-Union
      1044 | Mineral Ridge          | Mineral Ridge
      1046 | Minerva                | Minerva
      1048 | Minford                | Minford
      1052 | Minster                | Minster
      1054 | Union City             | Mississinawa Valley
      1056 | Cincinnati             | Archbishop Moeller
      1058 | Mogadore               | Mogadore
      1060 | Sycamore               | Mohawk
      1062 | Monroe                 | Monroe
      1063 | Woodsfield             | Monroe Central
      1064 | Monroeville            | Monroeville
      1066 | Montpelier             | Montpelier
      1068 | McConnelsville         | Morgan
      1072 | Mount Gilead           | Mount Gilead
      1074 | Cincinnati             | Mount Healthy
      1078 | Mount Vernon           | Mount Vernon
      1080 | Napoleon               | Napoleon
      1082 | New Paris              | National Trail
      1084 | Nelsonville            | Nelsonville-York
      1086 | New Albany             | New Albany
      1088 | Newark                 | Newark
      1090 | Newark                 | Newark Catholic
      1092 | New Bremen             | New Bremen
      1094 | Newbury                | Newbury
      1096 | Newcomerstown          | Newcomerstown
      1100 | New Lexington          | New Lexington
      1102 | New London             | New London
      1104 | Hamilton               | New Miami
      1106 | New Philadelphia       | New Philadelphia
      1108 | New Richmond           | New Richmond
      1112 | Newton Falls           | Newton Falls
      1116 | Macedonia              | Nordonia
      1118 | Parma                  | Normandy
      1120 | Akron                  | North
      1122 | Eastlake               | North
      1130 | North Baltimore        | North Baltimore
      1134 | Cincinnati             | North College Hill
      1136 | Springfield            | Northeastern
      1140 | Columbus               | Northland
      1142 | Clayton                | Northmont
      1144 | Galion                 | Northmor
      1146 | North Olmsted          | North Olmsted
      1148 | Dayton                 | Northridge
      1150 | Johnstown              | Northridge
      1152 | North Ridgeville       | North Ridgeville
      1154 | North Royalton         | North Royalton
      1156 | Richwood               | North Union
      1158 | Norton                 | Norton
      1160 | Norwalk                | Norwalk
      1162 | Canal Fulton           | Northwest
      1164 | Cincinnati             | Northwest
      1166 | McDermott              | Northwest
      1168 | Springfield            | Northwestern
      1170 | West Salem             | Northwestern
      1172 | Northwood              | Northwood
      1174 | Creston                | Norwayne
      1176 | Norwood                | Norwood
      1178 | Portsmouth             | Notre Dame
      1180 | Chardon                | Notre Dame-Cathedral Latin
      1184 | Oak Harbor             | Oak Harbor
      1186 | Oak Hill               | Oak Hill
      1188 | Cincinnati             | Oak Hills
      1190 | Dayton                 | Oakwood
      1192 | Oberlin                | Oberlin
      1202 | Lewis Center           | Olentangy
      1203 | Powell                 | Olentangy Liberty
      1204 | Olmsted Falls          | Olmsted Falls
      1206 | Ontario                | Ontario
      1207 | Elyria                 | Open Door Christian
      1208 | Pepper Pike            | Orange
      1210 | Orrville               | Orrville
      1211 | Lewis Center           | Olentangy Orange
      1212 | Tontogany              | Otsego
      1214 | Ottawa                 | Ottawa-Glandorf
      1216 | Toledo                 | Ottawa Hills
      1224 | Parma                  | Padua Franciscan
      1226 | Bainbridge             | Paint Valley
      1228 | Pandora                | Pandora-Gilboa
      1230 | Rockford               | Parkway
      1232 | Parma                  | Parma
      1234 | Hamler                 | Patrick Henry
      1235 | Dayton                 | Ponitz Tech
      1236 | Paulding               | Paulding
      1240 | Sandusky               | Perkins
      1242 | Lima                   | Perry
      1244 | Massillon              | Perry
      1246 | Perry                  | Perry
      1248 | Perrysburg             | Perrysburg
      1252 | Philo                  | Philo
      1254 | Pickerington           | Pickerington Central
      1255 | Pickerington           | Pickerington North
      1256 | Piketon                | Piketon
      1258 | Piqua                  | Piqua
      1260 | Marion                 | Pleasant
      1262 | Plymouth               | Plymouth
      1264 | Poland                 | Poland Seminary
      1266 | Port Clinton           | Port Clinton
      1268 | Portsmouth             | Portsmouth
      1270 | West Portsmouth        | Portsmouth West
      1272 | Camden                 | Preble Shawnee
      1274 | Cincinnati             | Princeton
      1276 | Cincinnati             | Purcell Marian
      1280 | Andover                | Pymatuning Valley
      1281 | Ravenna                | Ravenna
      1284 | Reading                | Reading
      1288 | Richfield              | Revere
      1290 | Reynoldsburg           | Reynoldsburg
      1292 | Cleveland              | Rhodes
      1294 | Richmond Heights       | Richmond Heights
      1296 | Morral                 | Ridgedale
      1298 | Ridgeway               | Ridgemont
      1300 | West Lafayette         | Ridgewood
      1304 | Rittman                | Rittman
      1306 | Hannibal               | River
      1308 | Mount Blanchard        | Riverdale
      1310 | DeGraff                | Riverside
      1312 | Painesville            | Riverside
      1314 | Caledonia              | River Valley
      1316 | Warsaw                 | River View
      1318 | Ironton                | Rock Hill
      1320 | Rocky River            | Rocky River
      1322 | St Bernard             | Roger Bacon
      1324 | Toledo                 | Rogers
      1326 | Kent                   | Roosevelt
      1328 | Rootstown              | Rootstown
      1330 | Hamilton               | Ross
      1332 | Rossford               | Rossford
      1340 | St Bernard             | St Bernard-Elmwood Place
      1342 | Columbus               | St Charles
      1344 | St Clairsville         | St Clairsville
      1346 | Lakewood               | St Edward
      1348 | Columbus               | Columbus St Francis DeSales
      1350 | Toledo                 | Toledo St Francis DeSales
      1352 | St Henry               | St Henry
      1354 | Cleveland              | St Ignatius
      1358 | Delphos                | St John's
      1360 | Toledo                 | St John's Jesuit
      1362 | Bellaire               | St John Central
      1364 | Cleveland              | Villa Angela-St Joseph
      1370 | Fremont                | St Joseph Central Catholic
      1372 | Sandusky               | St Mary Central Catholic
      1374 | Norwalk                | St Paul
      1378 | Louisville             | St Thomas Aquinas
      1384 | Akron                  | St Vincent-St Mary
      1388 | Cincinnati             | St Xavier
      1392 | Salem                  | Salem
      1394 | Sandusky               | Sandusky
      1396 | Magnolia               | Sandy Valley
      1398 | Toledo                 | Scott
      1400 | Attica                 | Seneca East
      1406 | Shadyside              | Shadyside
      1408 | Shaker Heights         | Shaker Heights
      1410 | East Cleveland         | Shaw
      1412 | Lima                   | Shawnee
      1414 | Springfield            | Shawnee
      1416 | Shelby                 | Shelby
      1418 | Sarahsville            | Shenandoah
      1420 | Thornville             | Sheridan
      1421 | Cincinnati             | Shroder
      1422 | Sidney                 | Sidney
      1426 | Smithville             | Smithville
      1428 | Solon                  | Solon
      1432 | Canton                 | Canton South
      1436 | Columbus               | South
      1440 | Willoughby             | South
      1446 | Greenwich              | South Central
      1448 | Ravenna                | Southeast
      1450 | Chillicothe            | Southeastern
      1452 | South Charleston       | Southeastern Local
      1453 | Crown City             | South Gallia
      1454 | Racine                 | Southern
      1456 | Salineville            | Southern
      1458 | South Point            | South Point
      1460 | Canfield               | South Range
      1468 | Spencerville           | Spencerville
      1470 | Springboro             | Springboro
      1472 | Akron                  | Springfield
      1476 | Holland                | Springfield
      1478 | New Middletown         | Springfield
      1480 | Springfield            | Springfield
      1482 | Toledo                 | Start
      1484 | Riverside              | Stebbins
      1486 | Amherst                | Steele
      1488 | Steubenville           | Steubenville
      1492 | Stow                   | Stow-Munroe Falls
      1494 | Strasburg              | Strasburg-Franklin
      1496 | Streetsboro            | Streetsboro
      1498 | Strongsville           | Strongsville
      1500 | Struthers              | Struthers
      1504 | Cincinnati             | Summit Country Day
      1506 | Swanton                | Swanton
      1508 | Cincinnati             | Sycamore
      1510 | Sylvania               | Sylvania Northview
      1512 | Sylvania               | Sylvania Southview
      1514 | Willow Wood            | Symmes Valley
      1518 | Cincinnati             | Taft
      1520 | Oxford                 | Talawanda
      1522 | Tallmadge              | Tallmadge
      1524 | North Bend             | Taylor
      1526 | Ashville               | Teays Valley
      1528 | New Carlisle           | Tecumseh
      1530 | Canton                 | Timken
      1532 | Defiance               | Tinora
      1534 | Tipp City              | Tippecanoe
      1536 | Toronto                | Toronto
      1538 | North Lewisburg        | Triad
      1540 | Glouster               | Trimble
      1542 | Garfield Heights       | Trinity
      1544 | Dresden                | Tri-Valley
      1548 | Wooster                | Triway
      1550 | Trotwood               | Trotwood-Madison
      1552 | Troy                   | Troy
      1553 | Troy                   | Troy Christian
      1554 | Cincinnati             | Turpin
      1556 | New Philadelphia       | Tuscarawas Central Catholic
      1558 | Zoarville              | Tuscarawas Valley
      1560 | Massillon              | Tuslaw
      1562 | Lewisburg              | Tri-County North
      1564 | West Alexandria        | Twin Valley South
      1566 | Belmont                | Union Local
      1568 | Chillicothe            | Unioto
      1570 | Hanoverton             | United
      1571 | Hunting Valley         | University School
      1572 | Upper Arlington        | Upper Arlington
      1574 | Upper Sandusky         | Upper Sandusky
      1576 | McGuffey               | Upper Scioto Valley
      1578 | Urbana                 | Urbana
      1580 | Youngstown             | Ursuline
      1584 | Utica                  | Utica
      1586 | Lucasville             | Valley
      1588 | Parma Heights          | Valley Forge
      1590 | Germantown             | Valley View
      1592 | Van Buren              | Van Buren
      1594 | Vanlue                 | Vanlue
      1596 | Van Wert               | Van Wert
      1598 | Vermilion              | Vermilion
      1600 | Versailles             | Versailles
      1604 | McArthur               | Vinton County
      1606 | Wadsworth              | Wadsworth
      1608 | Toledo                 | Waite
      1610 | Cincinnati             | Walnut Hills
      1612 | Columbus               | Walnut Ridge
      1614 | Cuyahoga Falls         | Walsh Jesuit
      1616 | Wapakoneta             | Wapakoneta
      1618 | Vincent                | Warren
      1620 | Warrensville Heights   | Warrensville Heights
      1624 | Massillon              | Massillon Washington
      1626 | Washington Court House | Washington
      1628 | Waterford              | Waterford
      1630 | Atwater                | Waterloo
      1632 | Pataskala              | Watkins Memorial
      1634 | Wauseon                | Wauseon
      1636 | Waverly                | Waverly
      1638 | Huber Heights          | Wayne
      1640 | Apple Creek            | Waynedale
      1642 | Waynesfield            | Waynesfield-Goshen
      1644 | Waynesville            | Waynesville
      1646 | Haviland               | Wayne Trace
      1650 | Wellington             | Wellington
      1652 | Wellston               | Wellston
      1654 | Wellsville             | Wellsville
      1656 | Columbus               | West
      1658 | Beloit                 | West Branch
      1660 | West Carrollton        | West Carrollton
      1664 | Mount Orab             | Western Brown
      1666 | Cincinnati             | Western Hills
      1668 | Berlin Center          | Western Reserve
      1670 | Collins                | Western Reserve
      1671 | Westerville            | Westerville Central
      1672 | Westerville            | Westerville North
      1674 | Westerville            | Westerville South
      1676 | Williamsport           | Westfall
      1678 | Chesterland            | West Geauga
      1680 | Millersburg            | West Holmes
      1682 | West Jefferson         | West Jefferson
      1684 | Westlake               | Westlake
      1686 | Galloway               | Westland
      1688 | West Liberty           | West Liberty-Salem
      1690 | Zanesville             | West Muskingum
      1696 | Wheelersburg           | Wheelersburg
      1698 | Columbus               | Whetstone
      1700 | Whitehall              | Whitehall-Yearling
      1704 | Toledo                 | Whitmer
      1706 | Wickliffe              | Wickliffe
      1710 | Willard                | Willard
      1712 | Williamsburg           | Williamsburg
      1714 | Wilmington             | Wilmington
      1716 | Windham                | Windham
      1719 | Cincinnati             | Winton Woods
      1720 | Cincinnati             | Withrow
      1722 | Elmore                 | Woodmore
      1724 | Peninsula              | Woodridge
      1732 | Cincinnati             | Woodward
      1734 | Toledo                 | Woodward
      1736 | Wooster                | Wooster
      1737 | Canal Winchester       | Harvest Prep
      1738 | Worthington            | Thomas Worthington
      1741 | Columbus               | Worthington Kilbourne
      1742 | Bucyrus                | Wynford
      1744 | Cincinnati             | Wyoming
      1746 | Xenia                  | Xenia
      1750 | Zanesville             | Zanesville
      1751 | Youngstown             | Youngstown Christian
      1752 | Chillicothe            | Zane Trace
      1956 | Cincinnati             | Clark Montessori
      9015 | Cincinnati             | Oyler
      9057 | Cincinnati             | Riverview East Academy
      9272 | Cincinnati             | Cincinnati College Prep
      9461 | Cincinnati             | Gamble Montessori

       TBD | Cleveland              | Whitney Young (presumed 2013 OHSAA member)
       TBD | Cincinnati             | Miami Valley Christian Academy (presumed 2013 OHSAA member)

         - | Hudson                 | Western Reserve Academy (varsity, non-OHSAA member)

         - | Franklin               | Middletown Christian (Club team)
         - | Columbus               | Columbus Crusaders (Club team)
         - | Cincinnati             | Landmark Eagles (Club team)
         - | Lorain                 | Cleveland Knights (Club team)